May 1, 2015

Peek-A-Boo at Art Walk 2015

Art Walk at Raglan Shire is a huge annual event, this year starting 3rd of May and lasting until May 31st. In the set up instructions for artists, organizers Karma, Dagmar and Jillan inform us that around 115 artists have applied for a spot this year.

The event spreads over the area of four sims. There is the hedge for 2d artwork and spaces made available for sculptures. Even with so much hedge space to put your art on, people camp out to set up. The last picture of these was taken only 45 minutes in of set up time and you can see how there is a lot of space already taken off the famous art hedge.

Our blog fox Pieni is participating again, this time with 2d artwork. Her Shire shop is in the tree city on a platform pointing towards Tiny Inc. so it was natural to pick a spot next to the famous home of Dinkies. Not having camped out, this was a great spot to get to, even though it is not in the center area of the main sim.

Peek-A-Boo is a look into life as a small critter in Second Life. Imagine going about your day ankle high, poking your nose in place it does not belong. What would you find inside an old tree trunk or underground in someones lair?

Pieni is setting up a new gallery. Once it is ready, we will have a post here to notify you. Until then, hope you enjoy all the art in the Shire!

(Posted By Pieni)

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